How to Apply Fliesenfolie to Wand-Or Bodenfliesen


3 min read

Whether your wand- oder Bodenfliesen are in your kitchen, bedroom or bathroom – they have to be feuchtigkeitsbestandig. If they are not, you will have to rip them out and replace them, which is expensive and time-consuming. A cheaper and quicker alternative are fliesenfolie, which you can easily attach to your old wand- or Bodenfliesen in no time at all. Fliesenaufkleber schließen das Aussehen aller dieser Flächen in vielen Farben und mit verschiedenartigen Motiven ab. In diesem way, your wand- oder Bodenfliesen look new and fresh for years.

To apply fliesenfolie, you need a few basic supplies. For example, you will need a large roll of adhesive tape, which is available in different widths. A special squeegee is also important, as it helps to spread the adhesive evenly and remove any surplus. You will need some sandpaper, too, in order to smooth the surface of the substrate. Finally, you need a rag and a bottle of water. The water helps to dissolve the glue and create a smooth surface, which makes it easier to apply the fliesenfolie.

The most important factor is to prepare the surface of the substrate before you start working. In order to do this, you need to remove all dirt and grease from the surface. Fliesenaufkleber are based on silica, which will stick best to a clean and dry surface. This is why you need to make sure that the substrate is clean and free of dust, sand and other contaminants. If necessary, you should reinigen the surface with a cleaning agent for floors.

It is also a good idea to use a Möbel klebefolie sanding tool before you start applying the fliesenfolie. In this way, you can eliminate any bumps on the substrate and make it as smooth as possible. You can buy sanding tools online, in hardware stores or from specialty tool shops.

You can also get a variety of fliesenfolie in different colors and designs, so that you can choose the one that fits your decor. You can even find fliesenfolie with traditional patterns from Portugal or the Orient and that imitate other materials such as wood, stone or concrete.

When you want to install a fliesenfolie, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Some require that you pre-smooth the substrate with sandpaper, while others do not. You should also make sure that you are using a high-quality product. Otherwise, your fliesenfolie may not last very long. Ideally, you should purchase your fliesenfolie from a reliable supplier that is backed by an extensive warranty. You can always contact the manufacturer if you have any questions or problems with your fliesenfolie. This will help you to avoid any issues in the future and to be confident that your fliesenfolie will last for a very long time.